Friday 27 February 2015

We say farewell to our loyal and faithful friends

Spent a few days in Arizona co-ordinating the sale of the pickup and 5th wheel.  In our big clean up of the 5th wheel we discovered we now have a lot more gear than we started with.  How did that happen?

Decided not to worry too much about that and made our way to Los Angeles where it was all to come together.  Said goodbye to our trusty 5th wheel.  There were no tears but it was a little sad.  We’ve come a long way in this baby and had some pretty awesome adventures.
Coming together for the first time
Our first meal in our new home

We had to think about height restrictions - I remember hugging the centre line through this tunnel

We camped in rest areas

We camped in Walmart car parks

We camped in rural campgrounds

We camped in scenic campgrounds

We took absolutely no photos of the crammed in urban campgrounds.
We went to great heights
We saw dinosaurs

We got snowed on

We braved hanging out at a biker bar

We had a close encounter at an iconic monument

We braved driving through a snowstorm

We went to prison (think Shawshank Redemption)

We found Al Capone's hideout

We searched for enlightenment at New Vrindaban

We visit the odd brewery or two

We get some local boys to clean our home

We weren't completely without mishap - yay for the AAA

Next to go was all our household goods.  We found a worthy charity and dropped everything off.  It was hard to let go of the deck chairs – they've done a sterling job.
You can see why we'd miss our chairs - we'd be sitting in the snow otherwise
Picked ourselves up a large storage bin and packed up all the goodies we purchased, freebies we were given, winter clothes and other assorted paraphernalia we picked up along the way and just can’t live without.  You know how it is.  This bin may arrive in New Zealand on the right side of Christmas … or not.

Last but not least was our mighty Ford F250, Chuck (we had to give him a good solid American name).  Despite being temperamental on a couple of occasions he has served us well.  In the 49 states we’ve been to, we’ve driven over 50,000 miles at an average of 155 miles per day.  Would have loved to have exported him down under but don’t have any spare cash to freight him back and convert to right hand drive.
We drove through snow

We drove through tumbleweed

We drove on narrow, winding trails
We went on boat rides

We squeezed through here

We drove through more snow
We weren't afraid to get dirty

We went to some pretty remote areas

We didn't let obstacles in our road deter us

We developed a split personality - half Canadian, half American

We drove over (through) a covered bridge in Madison County

We can only imagine what Chuck is thinking while eyeing the Ford building

So now we are back to being normal tourists and can finally sit back and let someone else do the driving.  Took a VIP tour around Los Angeles taking in such sights as Venice Beach (too cold for the weightlifting boys to be out at Muscle Beach dammit all), Santa Monica Pier, Rodeo Drive, Hollywood, Farmers Market and Downtown LA.  Saw a few things we’d both seen on previous visits: Hollywood sign, Chinese Theatre, Rodeo Drive and Chinatown to name a few but what a great day out. 
Sadly no bronzed muscle bound weightlifters out on a mid-week winters day
We were at the beginning, we did lots in the middle, today we reached the end of Route 66

The one and only Chuck Norris

Sue thinks this will be a great day to hold the next ceremony (you'll need to zoom on the banner)

... and what comes after Yippee Ki Yay ...

Plenty of room here

That’s it for mainland USA.  Tomorrow we fly to Hawaii for some R&R then back home next weekend.

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