Friday 8 August 2014

Another state, another breakdown

All aboard the Jelly Belly Express

Leaving Chicago we headed north into Wisconsin.  Stopped just over the state line to visit the Jelly Belly Factory.  One of Jean’s old nicknames was Jean Jean Jellybean so how could we pass this up.  The tour itself is through their distribution centre 
Jelly Bean art - the mosaics of
former Presidents and famous
people are more interesting
but they requested no cameras
once the tour started
(rows and rows of boxes of jellybeans) and you are taken through by way of a small train.  Along the outside walls are television screens where you stop to hear about the history as well as find out how the jellybeans are made.  They also show some of the mosaic-style art work made with jellybeans and some wearable art, also made with jellybeans.  Best part of the tour though, is in the gift shop afterwards where you can indulge in as many free samples as your sweet tooth can handle.

Or your 10 year old inner child:

Enlarge to read the labels better and yes, we did try some
From jellybeans we then visited the Mars Cheese Castle just a few miles up the road. 
Mars Cheese Castle
When the I-94 interchange got widened a few years ago the original castle with its plywood crenellations was demolished and the new building put up a short distance away. 
Wally & Jean find a friend
They were able to keep the original 80’ high sign.  A few old-time customers don’t like the new store but it’s the only one we know and we liked it.  Stocked up with cheese, salami and jerky.  Mmm.

Next it was northwards into Milwaukee.  We found it difficult to find an RV park close to Milwaukee due to the State Fair starting the day of our arrival so ended up driving through Milwaukee to a place called West Bend.  It was here that we struck car trouble yet again.  Transmission this time. 
The old courthouse in
West Bend
All these years I’ve resisted the Ford – Holden debate but I think now I’m firmly in the Holden camp … or anything but a Ford. 

Got the car to the doctor and the RV to a new camping ground then went to a micro-brewery to drown our sorrows.  Nah, not really.  We did go to the brewery but only because Jean & Wally found it the day before and reported back to Sue on how good the brews were.  Second time round they were still good.

The smiles just got bigger
Had a loan vehicle so still mobile.  Drove into Milwaukee and straight to Miller Coors Brewery. 
The three amigos

Original Millers Brewhouse
You may start thinking that there is a pattern here but three breweries in a row is pure coincidence (we usually wait at least a week between tours). 

Wouldn't have been right to leave
without sampling some of their brews
From the brewery, who only served up pretzels that make you want to drink more, we headed to the Harley Davidson Museum where there wasn’t a drop of alcohol in sight.  Just motorbikes (and lunch).  Lots and lots of motorbikes.  Also some bicycles.  Who knew that Harley Davidson also made a line of bicycles for a time.  

Some early Harley Davidson motorcycles

Along with some early Harley Davidson bicycles

What to do when you're recovering from an injury - cover your bike in
rhinestones and extra lights.  This was done in 1973.

What d'ya reckon - trade in the RV for one of these?
Dined out that night at a place called The Safe House.  It’s a spy themed restaurant and a lot of fun.  First job is to find it – it is a safe house after all.  A quick knock on the door of International Exports Ltd and we were
in.  Next we had to provide a password.  Of course we all got it wrong so had to line up and perform for the benefit of all the other patrons (and there were lots).  Once seated and food order taken we were given a Spy Mission to solve.   
Jean & Wally decoding the menu

That got us out of our seats and exploring finding secret rooms, 2 way mirrors and the like.  They even have a door from an old East Berlin prison (to imagine what life would be like if you got caught).  We didn’t get caught, we completed our mission and had a very nice meal to boot.
Did another day trip, this time to visit a Harry Houdini exhibit.  
Museum at the Castle, Appleton
This is in the old Masonic Lodge in Appleton now known as the Museum at the Castle.  As well as the Houdini exhibit which was very interesting and very hands on there were 2 other local exhibits – one on food (always a favourite of mine) and one on local businesses over the years. 

One of the Appleton locals posing with her new electric stove.  She wasn't ready to let
go of her wood-fired stove straight away though.

An early electric refrigerator - the round ball at the top
holds all the toxic gases.
We also visited Sheboygan who boast having the World’s Most Artistic Bathrooms.  They were pretty neat but personally I think the toilets in Lucas, KS and Kawakawa, NZ rate higher in artistic merit.  But, hey, it’s a personal thing – best you check out all three yourself to decide.

Sue might have liked them more if the dominant colour wasn't pink
We got our pick up back, complete with new transmission, and headed off again.  Woo hoo.  Drove northwards alongside Lake Michigan to a little place called Sister Bay.  How apt is that.  How crazy with people and
Sisters at Sister Bay
traffic did that little place turn out to be?  Apparently it’s always like that in August plus there was a free concert on the beach which drew in a bunch more.  We stopped at a restaurant that had goats on the roof.  Yes, you did read that right, this restaurant has goats on the roof.  It started out as a gag gift between mates and the goats stayed (and multiplied).  They are quite a drawcard for tourists now (hey, they drew us). 

One of the many goats they have at Johnson's on the roof
(top left in case you can't see it)
Next stop was at Egg Harbour which is just up the road from Fish Creek.  Getting as much enjoyment out of the town names here as in the UK.  We’ve been calling in at distilleries and breweries, it was about time we stopped at a winery.  So we did.  Harbour Ridge.  Arrived about 20 minutes before closing but points out of 10 for service here.  If it mattered, they didn’t let it show and gave us the full tasting service.  Nice wines too so we didn’t leave empty handed.

Signing off from Harbour Ridge Winery, oops, Harbor Ridge Winery

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