Wednesday 27 August 2014

A bit of magic, a bit of culture and a couple of scares

Dr John Kellogg
Back in Michigan we paid a visit to the Dr John Harvey Kellogg Discovery Centre in Battle Creek.  Apart from being a double for Colonel Sanders, Dr Kellogg was a physician way ahead of his time.  A lot of his inventions
This one is called The Camel
for patients at the sanitarium he was medical director of were forerunners to equipment seen in gyms today, albeit in slightly different form.  These machines were created in the late 1800’s yet the Centre allows visitors to try some of them out.

Checking out the foot massager
Ellen White's family home.  She was
one of the founders of the SDA movement
Also at the Discovery Centre there are a lot of buildings that have historical attachment to the Seventh Day Adventist movement.  Your ticket price includes a guided tour of these old buildings.  While neither of us is particularly religious we both enjoyed the history that was created here.

See the poster ...

Time to head east.  We dropped in at Marshall to visit The Magic Museum.  A large collection of old posters, old props and old magic tricks (with new versions available for purchase).

... then scream at the act

Really enjoyed wandering through.  Didn’t recognise too many of the old names, just Houdini really.
Sue & Jean put on a show

Close to Detroit we paid a visit to Farmington Hills and Marvin’s Marvellous Mechanical Museum. 

Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum - anyone spot time going backwards?
We weren’t quite sure what we were getting into but it turned out to be an amusement arcade.  Interspersed among the newer games are a multitude of old animatronics, carnival sideshows, penny arcade games and even Pacman.  Colourful, busy, noisy, wonderful place.

Every time you look, you see something different

Huh!  Doesn't look like me at all
Spent the whole of the next day at the Henry Ford Museum.  Yes, you read that right. The. Whole. Day.  I was expecting the museum to be about the history of Ford motor vehicles and Henry Ford himself but it is much more than that.  Much, much more. Planes, trains and automobiles abound.  There are exhibits on things Made in America including a huge section of steam engines, agricultural machinery, household furnishings and, finally, a section on Freedom and Liberty for all that covered American Independence, Civil Rights and Women’s Suffrage.  I know there was more but we ran out of time.  Amazing place and well worth the visit.

Reproduction of the third train built for service in America
- 1881 De Witt Clinton

1931 Bugatti Type 41 Royale

There was a great display of wing walking
Leaving Michigan we’re headed to Ohio.  After staying the night in Toledo 
Jean clocking in
at the maze
we drove to the tip of Catawba Island where we caught a ferry to South Bass Island and Put-in-Bay.  Hired a golf cart then went cruising.  First we walked off lunch at the maze at Perry’s Cave then crossed the road to Heineman’s Winery to visit the World’s Largest Geode and, yes, we did sample some of their product.  Would’ve been rude not to. 
Sue pretending to look confused
The geode was impressive.  30’ across at it’s widest point, it was discovered many years before Prohibition when winery workers were digging for a well.  At the time of Prohibition there were 11 wineries on the island.  Heineman’s was the only one to survive due to tourists coming to see the geode.

Jean heading inside the giant geode
Commemorates peace
between Canada, USA
& Britain
We also went to the top of the Perry’s Victory & International Peace Monument, a massive Doric column in downtown Put-in-Bay.  Over 350’ high there are fantastic views from the top of Lake Erie, mainland
One of the great views
from the top
USA and several US & Canadian islands.  This was followed up with a visit to Beer Barrel Saloon who claim to have the World’s Longest Bar at 405’ long but we have it on good authority they are the World’s Third Longest Bar.  Didn’t stop us from enjoying a beer though.  We then cruised the rest of the island on our trusty golf cart before returning to the mainland and a quick trip to Sandusky.

Jean enjoying a brew at the World's (Third) Largest Bar ... some paint required perhaps
Riding along on my golf cart honey (you oldies will know that tune)
Coming at ya
Found ourselves outside the Ghostly Manor Thrill Center and decided to go on the Haunted House tour.  Unfortunately you can’t take photos once you’re on the inside so can’t share the thrills.  What a place!  Dark, narrow tunnels full of creepy things with scary monsters jumping out at you. 
This dude just
hung around
Small, dark rooms full of creepy things with scary monsters jumping out at you.  Some of the creepy things move, some wail, some just grin at you.  Highly recommend it although perhaps not if you are of nervous disposition.

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