Friday 14 March 2014

We brought a truck

A Ford F250 to be exact.  Four days after arriving, we’re still in Los Angeles.  It’s taken a while and a lot of miles to find a pickup that we like but we did it.  Took ownership of our new vehicle today.  Driving the 100 miles back to Ontario from Oxnard (out by Ventura) we struck Friday traffic.  Boy!  Did we strike Friday traffic.  But we are intrepid and we coped.  Plus, we have a big truck.

Other than brave traffic, haven’t really done anything worth writing home about.  I will anyway.  Jet lag hit us both big time the first night.  We were both wide awake at 1am through to at least 4am.  When we did get to sleep, it was until 9.50am.  We missed breakfast!  We were not amused.  Especially not Sue.  She likes her food.  Actually, so does Jean.  Luckily there was a Starbucks over the road.  Next morning we had waffles and haven’t missed a breakfast since.

We both want one of these machines
Had the pleasure of the company of our darling niece, Angelica and good friend of Jeans, Glenda at Auckland before flying out.  Lovely to catch up with you both.

Prior to that, of course, we left Napier.  Not much in the way of belongings for 12 months is it.

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