Monday 24 March 2014

Meeting old friends and a visit to Bonneville Salt Flats

It’s official.  We are now RV people.  Picked up our Fifth Wheel from the lovely people at Rocky Mountain RV and we were on our way.  Sue started off driving, only going 35mph initially, increasing speed in 5mph increments.  She was eventually cruising quite nicely at 65mph before remembering that the speed limit for towing vehicles was 55mph.  Oops.  Not that many others seem to stick to that rule though.  Not 100% certain that Sue didn’t close her eyes when trucks were passing us on both the left and right hand sides on the freeway through Salt Lake City.


Our first meal in the fifth wheel

Headed south to a town named Price where we parked up and did day trips.  First trip was to a place named Fantasy Canyon that had all these weird and wonderful rock formations in the middle of a desert.

Fantasy Canyon
Spot the gargoyle

Next day trip was to a big slice of American kitsch – the Hole in the Rock south of Moab.  Loved it.  The Hole in the Rock started out as a hollowed out sleep out in the hill for the original settlers 5 sons, became a diner for uranium miners and eventually a home.  Sadly for us, no cameras allowed underground (that sounds familiar) but we did get some good surface shots.
That's about right

From there we headed to the Arches National Park where we did a bit of hiking and took a lot of photos.  Fantastic place.

Balancing Rock                                                                            North & South Windows

Could've done the 5km walk to this arch but time was getting on
Double Arch

Back to Salt Lake City where Sue caught up with her old penfriend, Shelly, from high school days for the second time in 23 years.  Bit of a buzz going to a bar and finding a brew from NZ on sale – Waikikamukau.  Here’s the 5 of us back in the 5th wheel after dinner.

Sue, Dennis, Shelly, Jean, Madsen

On Sunday we left Utah although with one final stop before crossing the border into Nevada.  What kiwi hasn’t heard of the Bonneville Salt Flats International Speedway after watching The World’s Fastest Indian?  Didn’t go for a spin on the track but got some good pics (we think so anyway).

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