Monday 22 December 2014

The dash to Atlanta

So there we were in Key West, as far south in Florida as you can get and we had to be in Atlanta a few days hence to drop the RV off at a Service Centre and catch a plane to the cold, freezing north for Christmas.  A mere 800-odd miles.  While it was mostly driving, we did take some breaks along the way.

Tenny tiny Post Office at Ochopee
Apart from some idiot drivers on the Interstate we saw this tiny Post Office in Ochopee.  It’s the smallest Post Office in USA and has been in use since the original burnt down in 1953.  If I could remember how to write letters we could’ve got this postmark attached.

Took a welcome break at the Koreshan Unity Settlement State Historic Park.  It’s the site of a former cult who believed that the earth was hollow.  Not quite sure how that all works.  The cult members were celibate which could explain in part why it died out – no natural replacements coming through.  Food for thought?  Not at all (and that’s for both the hollow earth theory and celibacy) but they have a collection of old buildings to wander through and a stream full of alligators if the buildings aren’t enough to keep you interested.

The hollow earth model complete with the rest of the universe at its centre

Planetary Court building with peeping Tom ... or rather, peeping Jean
More idiot drivers the next day so stopped at the Devil’s Millhopper Geologic State Park.  Such a cool name, how could we resist.  Turns out there’s a huge sinkhole in this park that resembles an old hopper from a grist mill (hence the name) and the devil part of it goes back to either an old Indian legend where the devil kidnaps a local princess, creating the sinkhole for the chasing braves to fall into or the fact that many bones have been found at the base (taken there by the devil himself).  We walked to the bottom of the sinkhole – no sign of the devil so climbed back up and continued on our merry way.

The bottom of the Devil's Millhopper sinkhole
Another day of straight driving, all the way to Atlanta.  Cancelled the stops we were going to make as it was raining pretty much all the way.  Yay, we now have a whole day and a half of R&R ahead of us. 

Thoroughly enjoyed the R&R – no idiot drivers, no crowds, no noise, no overpriced greasy food – just books, computers, beers and the odd domestic chore.  Bliss (the first three anyway).  Dropped the RV off then headed to a motel out by the airport for our flight up north tomorrow morning.  Looking forward to seeing Wally at the airport when we arrive in Philadelphia, then on to Hershey.

The Three Amigos about to be reunited
Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone.

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