Tuesday 16 September 2014

Back into Pennsylvania

As much as I wanted to stay in one
of these I think our caboose is better
We originally planned to go to Rochester in New York to visit a couple of attractions but had a rethink and headed straight to Corning for the night.  Passed this neat motel on the way at Avoca.  If we weren’t towing our own caboose behind us, we surely would’ve stopped for the night.  The RV park we stayed in at Corning had a railway line running through the middle of it so still had the train theme going on.  Fortunately no trains in the middle of the night – those things just don’t know how to go quietly.

Back in Pennsylvania we took the scenic route across Highway 6 from Mansfield to Mt Jewett.  A lovely piece of road to drive and yes, very scenic.  At Mt Jewett we stopped at the Kinzua Viaduct.  The original bridge was built in 94 days back in 1882 and was destroyed in 30 seconds by a tornado in 2003.  The viaduct now forms part of Kinzua Bridge State Park to show people the result of the forces of nature.  You can walk part way across the restored bridge and even stand on some glass panels looking 300’ straight down.

Kinzua viaduct showing the sections destroyed by a tornado

Jean & Sue underneath the viaduct
Gobblers Knob where every February
Punxsutawney Phil makes his
weather prediction
From Mt Jewett it was a short drive down to Punxsutawney where we found ourselves 5 months early for Punxsutawney Phil’s weather prediction.  Of course we knew we would be so brought along a substitute weather forecaster.  He said the sun will always be shining in my world.  For those no wiser at the end of this paragraph than at the beginning, Punxsutawney Phil is a groundhog who has been predicting either a long winter or an early spring since 1887.

Not Phil but better looking than a groundhog
From Punxsutawney (admit it, it’s a neat name) we headed south and went
Bears, what bears?
for a hike to America’s first railway tunnel.  It wasn’t the first tunnel, there had been a couple made for canal boats but it was the first used specifically for trains.  The trail leading to the tunnel was a gentle hike along the old railway line.  It wasn’t until we were on the return journey that Jean reminded Sue that there were bears in them thar woods.  Which reminded Sue that she doesn’t need to run fast – just faster than Jean.  Sorry Mum.

Thought it was interesting how the East & West entrances
have been finished differently
Stopped in at Johnstown to have a ride on the steepest vehicular inclined
Sadly no room for the
5th wheel
rail in the world.  It was originally built when a devastating flood hit Johnstown in 1890 and a lot of the townsfolk rebuilt on the steep hills.  The roads at the time to the top of the hill were too difficult for the
This gives you an idea
of how steep the incline is
horses and carts, especially with loads, to traverse so the inclined rail was built.  The first rail cars carried the wagons and horses on the top floor with a cabin at the bottom to carry passengers.  These days you can still take your car or motorbike up and down the hill with a small cabin to the side for passengers.

Johnstown from the top of the incline

We needed something to do while waiting for the car to go back down the incline
... so we had a beer
There’s an abandoned turnpike with a couple of tunnels on the way to
The abandoned turnpike at
Breezewood.  We weren't too
creeped out when a man stepped
out from the trees ahead
of us - he didn't act like a
zombie at all
Gettysburg so we just had to stop and pay it a visit.  It’s been the backdrop to a post-apocalypse movie and we can see why.  Nature is slowly taking it back although one side of the old road is maintained as a hiking and biking trail.  It was a couple of miles hike to the first tunnel.  Walked ¾ mile through that tunnel and flagged the second one.  How many miles of post-apocalypse sites do you really need to walk in a day when you’re still pre-apocalypse and have a nice comfortable vehicle to drive in.

A quick stop at Tiny World in Shippensburg then it was onto Gettysburg itself. 
Jean goes back to school at Tiny World ...

... while Sue reminisces about her time as a Volunteer Firefighter
Then it was onto Gettysburg itself.  We parked the RV at a campground and went on a scenic tour around the battlefield.  There are cannons
galore along the route along with statues, plaques and tributes to the various states.  We also visited Dobbin House, a renovated parsonage from the 1700’s.  During the Civil War it was used as a hospital for both sides so the family was quite pleased when they came back to Gettysburg to find it still standing.  We were pleased as well – the building is quite amazing.

Dobbin House - the porch was added in the 1800's

The basement has been converted into a 1700's-styled tavern
and, no, we didn't spend all our time here
After Gettysburg we headed straight to Hershey where we are spending a few days with some friends of Jeans before heading to Alaska.  Sue, Jim
This is the way to toast
marshmallows - no mosquitoes
and their daughter Lily have been great hosts.  We did the “coals to Newcastle” thing and visited an RV show.  Sadly no million dollar RVs to drool over and I really don’t understand why you need 3 televisions in such a small space (ours still has the protective plastic on it – hasn’t been turned on once in 6 months).  Like at Johnstown though, we needed something to do while Lily was at her dance lesson – American Sue recommended The Warwick and it didn’t disappoint.  It’s the kind of place where you want to keep going back to try all of the menu.

Had to do something while our meals were coming
- beer, wine and chocolate cocktails hit the spot

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